4 Tips for Success as a Full Time Freelancer

4 Tips for Success as a Full Time Freelancer


Becoming a freelancer is a great way to be self-employed, but there are difficulties that come along with being your own boss and your own employee. Here are 4 tips to help you succeed.

If you’re reading this it may well be that you are or want to become a freelancer. Either you know what you want to freelance in or, as an entrepreneur, you have started already. At first sight freelancing full time may seem like the dream job you always wanted. No more dealing with a boss, you will be your own boss. No more conforming to a strict 9-5, as a freelancing entrepreneur you can work your own hours. No more depending on others, you will now be responsible for your own success. But to be a successful freelancer it takes a lot more than knowing what you want to do. Here are some indispensable tips.

1 - Invest in a Website

Nowadays you cannot do business without first developing a visually appealing, informative and user-friendly website. As an entrepreneur you will need the website to make sure potential customers can find you, see what services you provide, contact you and request information. Furthermore since the website serves as your public face you will want it to represent you in the best light possible. It is worth investing money in your website and even hiring a professional to help you so that it looks great on both desktop and mobile platforms.

2 - Use Social Media

It is not enough nowadays to have a great website, as an entrepreneur, to promote yourself as an expert in your field you will also need to have a social media presence. In order for people to find your website and services you need to make yourself highly visible. You open and link your accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. You can also promote yourself through a blog, videos, and other tools to make sure your freelancing company has a strong Internet presence.

3 - Network

Many people think that freelancers sit at home all day in their pyjamas whilst a steady stream of work flows into them! To get work you have to put in work and also network. You will need to contact everyone you know as well as attend any relevant events to ensure that you have a strong network that can supply you with jobs. You will also need to pitch to all those people and give them compelling reasons why they should give you the work.  Freelance expert Jon Norris remarked "Building a network and finding work are two sides of the same coin."

4 - Diversify and Multiply Income Sources

Freelance work always ebbs and flows. If you want to ensure you have a relatively steady income you will need to diversify your client base.  Even if it means longer hours you should try to take on multiple clients of different sizes so that if you lose one client you will still be able to make ends meet. Furthermore, different customer bases will allow you to glean new skills and experience so that you can grow your business in the long term.