3 Killer Content Tips

3 Killer Content Tips


3 Insider Tips for Creating Content for Your Business Brand

Creating great content does not need to be hard. If you understand the magic formula then it’s easy. If you buy every book on the subject, read every web article, attend every seminar and ask every expert you will find that you come up with 3 rock solid elements that should be your cornerstones anytime you work on content. In this article we’ll let you in on the secret to killer content.

1. Be Crystal Clear

As soon as your potential clients start reading your content, they need to understand exactly what your message is and what the point of the text is. Don’t make your readers question what you are writing. Don’t bog them down in unnecessary details. Establish your message immediately. State your point using clear language that can be understood by everyone. Read your content out loud to your friend. Can she or he understand it? If the answer is no, then you need to be more clear. Writing clearly means that you shouldn’t employ jargon. It also means that you should not take a long time to hit your ‘punch line’. Everything that you use in your content, whether it is headlines, sub-headlines, links, labels, calls-to-action or navigation menus should all communicate exactly what can be found below, behind or in them. Don’t try to trick your readers, give them what they want: crystal clear and easy to understand information.

2. Edit Everything

When writing content, one of the key stages is to edit everything. First of all, even if content is simple, it doesn’t mean you can sacrifice quality. Some readers will be put off by poorly spelled content or awkward phrases. Make sure you spell check everything. Don’t just rely on tools for this, use your own common sense, as even spell checkers can get things wrong. If in doubt, hire an editor. Check grammar and punctuation. Make sure sentences link together neatly. A useful way of double-checking any content is to read it out loud. Edit any content that is tangential. When drawing in clients for straightforward services and offerings you are not trying to emulate Shakespeare and win a literary award. Your words should be easy to understand. Sentences and paragraphs should be short. Especially when writing for the web, where people are bombarded with information every nanosecond, you should be ultra concise and eliminate useless words.

3. Make it Interesting

You might think writing simple, lean text means it has to be boring. This is not the case. In fact, you need to make sure that you balance your minimalist approach with compelling content. If your text is dull, you will quickly lose readers. To ensure your content is compelling get to know your potential client. What keeps them up at night? What are their needs? Once you have discovered who they are and what they want, you can write for your audience, targeting their needs and desires. It is important to focus on feelings and use emotional marketing. You don't need a lot of capital to easily devise content that will have an emotional sway.  Tell your story. Consumers feel less guilty about spending money, and more satisfied giving companies their business if they feel they are contributing to a local business and therefore helping to support their community.

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