Debunking 5 Myths About Virtual Offices

Debunking 5 Myths About Virtual Offices


We're setting the record straight on these 5 biggest myths about working in a virtual office.

Virtual offices are on the rise due to their effectiveness. Yet some people still doubt their efficacy. You may have heard numerous myths about virtual offices. However, even if virtual offices operate distinctly from brick and mortar ones, that doesn’t mean that 'anything goes' and that all rules can be broken!

Myth 1: Virtual office workers are less productive

People often assume that in a virtual office, with no boss to keep employees on their toes, that employees will not put as much effort into their work and will be more distracted. However, the reverse is true according to a study by the Harvard Business Review that proves that worker productivity increased by 13.5% when employees worked remotely, as they actually had fewer distractions.

Myth 2: Remote workers can do their job anywhere

It is foolish to think that virtual office workers can do their job anytime, anywhere. The truth is no one can do any work lounging at the beach, at a hockey game, or whilst making a four-course dinner. Virtual office workers absolutely must have a quiet home office space to work in. Successful virtual offices are populated by those who have dedicated resources and have the right mindset to allow them to do their job in a responsible and serious manner.

Myth 3: Remote workers don't communicate

People presume that communication will suffer in a virtual office.  Yet in today's virtual world this is simply not the case; tools for communication allow remote workers to form a tight-knit team that can function as one, even if workers are dispersed in numerous locations. There are many ways to ensure virtual office employees are constantly connected, from tools that allow for the sharing of documents and ideas, chat apps, videocalls, social media sites and much more. Some virtual offices even promote offsite meetups.

Myth 4: Data is at risk in a virtual office

It is presumed that transferring company information between remote workers who are using computers on unsecured servers will mean that hackers and other malevolent characters can easily gain access to the data. However, even if this might have been a concern in the early days, it is no longer a worry. Technology has advanced significantly. Nowadays, thousands of software programs exist that guarantee the safety of your data. With the use of these and a qualified IT team who implement solid security practices, like setting up two factor authentication and virtual private networks (VPN), security breaches need never be a risk.

Myth 5: A virtual office increases costs

Setting up a virtual office may seem costly at first, especially when taking additional measures to ensure the success of your virtual office, such as protecting data from security breaches or shipping equipment to your remote workers. However in the long-run a virtual office ends up being cheaper. Overhead costs are diminished, in-office amenities such as coffee are not required, and, if you use a virtual assistant from a virtual office service you will save money on recruiting, insurance and office equipment.