4 Freelance Tips for Beginners

4 Freelance Tips for Beginners


How to Thrive as a Freelancer

Being a freelancer is wonderful. The internet, mobile phones and other advanced technologies have made it easier than ever to freelance. The free in freelance seems to epitomize those many freedoms that working for yourself entails. The freedom of being your own boss, working the hours you please, being able to pick and choose what you work on and how you work on it and even where you work on it. You are free to choose when you go on holiday and what your logo should look like. However there are times when freelancing can suddenly seem like a struggle, when you can’t find work, when you’re behind on your bills or when you do not receive full or timely payment for clients. But these things are only obstacles; done right, freelancing can make the world a place of profit and opportunities. Here’s how to thrive as a freelancer

1- Upsell Opportunities

Content clients are the best source of repeat revenue, referrals and increased revenue. You should always listen to everything your clients tell you, not just their immediate needs but those they anticipate in the future. You might spot an opportunity on the horizon or even be able to create one that is not being satisfied presently. This will increase their spending with you.  Remember not to offer the same upsell to every customer, as each one is unique; tailor your offers. Make sure to do your best job, keep them satisfied so that they keep on coming back for more. 

2- Referrals

Another way to increase revenue from existing clients is to get business from their circle of acquaintances.  The best referrals come after you have delivered outstanding value to a client.You would never ask your boss for a raise right after you did poorly on a project or did not meet a deadline; in the same way, you should never ask a client for a referral if you did not deliver what you promised. On the other hand, if you outdid yourself, pair referral requests with positive client outcomes. 

3- Channel Partners

A channel partner network functions through the old fashioned grapevine, with an added incentive system, namely commission. As a freelancer you should seek out preferred partners who you work with, such as a creative agency or a social media marketing firm. Consultants, business development agencies, and other start-ups might also prove to be good partners. In these partnerships they will pass business on to you, and as their reward they get commission, or depending on your business model, a markup on your services.

4- An Emergency Fund

Set aside an emergency fund: it is normal when you are freelancing to occasionally experience a hiatus in payments and have a lack of sudden cash flow. If you set an emergency fund aside that allows you to pay for bills, rent and overheads this will allow you to stay calm while you wait for clients to settle their debts and for new clients to sign on with your services.

Intelligent Office provides customizable business solutions that will enable you to thrive as a freelance. Contact us today!