Virtual Office is a Vital Tool for Remote Workers

Virtual Office is a Vital Tool for Remote Workers


Remote Work - Work where you like, present a spot-on professional image

The gig economy has not only changed the way we work, but where we work. No longer confined to an office building or a cubicle, remote workers can set up shop anywhere.

But just because you can work anywhere doesn’t mean you can get work done everywhere. The trick is to know where you work best, as well as knowing those things that might best be tended to by a virtual office service so your gigs keep coming in.

One choice is to grab a latte and settle in at a coffee shop. Free wifi and lots of available power outlets make java stops perfect for work. You can set up, caffeine up and get down to it. But remember, not everyone is there to work, so you might find yourself distracted by the reunion of old friends or the breakup of young lovers.

Similarly, your favorite pub can be a great place to plug in and tap the wifi while you enjoy an ale on tap A little lunch, a little chatter with fellow patrons and a few innings of the ball game can make for perfect day at the office. But those distractions of the coffee shop might play out here too, perhaps a little more loudly.

So maybe you head outdoors. A park or the beach or the mountains offer lovely scenery and fresh air in which your creative juices can get flowing. You can connect via your phone’s wifi hotspot or air card, or just work offline with your laptop. Or to be radically different, you could leave the computer behind and work old school with a pencil and paper.

Rather stay indoors? A home office is great for remote work. Whether that office is in a room all its own or just a spot on the couch, staying home lets you stay in your slippers and work like a boss. Home, too, has its share of distractions; just don’t let that load of laundry or the dishwasher waiting to be unloaded pull you off task. And like a venture into the great outdoors, working at home requires reliable wifi.

If you like the freedom of freelance, but want a little office-like structure to keep you motivated, consider a coworking space such as those offered by Intelligent Office that feature open-area desks, wifi-ready workstations and conference rooms. For a monthly subscription fee, you get access to modern work spaces and amenities you don’t have elsewhere, giving you a place to report to get the job done.

No matter which “office” works for your remote work, a virtual office service can make it work better.

The pros include always having someone to answer your phone so you can stay in the zone while you’re working. They also offer you the latest hardware and software without you having to invest in the newest equipment or programs.

A virtual office also equips you with the staff to use that up-to-date technology, as well as to serve as a reception desk to answer your phone, collect your mail, make copies, print documents or any other task that is a bit hard to handle when your office is wherever you make it. A virtual office also gives you a business address without your having to lease office space.

And a virtual office can provide those services -- as few or as many as you need -- for prices that can help you make the most profit from each of your gigs.

Learn more about how a virtual office and virtual office services can help your freelance business blossom and grow.