Small Business - 5 Year End Financial Tips

Small Business - 5 Year End Financial Tips

Year End Financial Tips for Your Small Business 

If you want the year ahead to be a success, it’s important to gauge where your small business stands financially as the year comes to a close and to build on improving your weaknesses and harnessing your strengths. These small business year end financial tips will ensure that your transition into the next year is smooth and that you are ready to reap success.

1. Take a Closer Look

In the end of the year rush it is vital not to get caught up in the silly season and overlook priorities. It is important to schedule time to look closely at your business. This means going over the books and seeing where you stand financially as the year draws to a close. You should stop focusing on the here and now to evaluate what the bigger picture is. You should pay attention to your gross profit level and the net profit level.

2. Examine Your Strengths and Weaknesses

It is vital to ascertain where you are struggling. If there are products or services that are just not bringing in money, or if you are struggling with your margins, now is the time to work out why and do something about it so that you can do better next year. You might need to discontinue services or products or change the way you operate to reduce losses. Likewise, you need to play to your strengths. Examine what the strongest part of your business is, and where you make the most profits. Once you know what keeps your company afloat you can capitalize on that strength.

3. Gain Insight from your Team

Sometimes just crunching the numbers is not enough. In order to gain insight into where your team could improve or where things are going wrong financially and operationally it is necessary to bring key employees together  for a meeting to brainstorm. This is a great way of ascertaining how well you are doing in concrete terms. Additionally, it is vital to glean insights as to where others deem it necessary to cut costs, improve spending or invest. 

4. Talk to Partners and Suppliers

Looking at the books is one way of understanding your business, but it is vital to take into consideration the people you work with or depend on; this means partners and suppliers. Arrange a meeting with key partners to see how you can improve margins and cut costs together for the year ahead. You should also think about and talk to your suppliers. If the costs are too high and your suppliers plan to increase prices, you might want to consider finding new suppliers. If, however, your suppliers are willing to work according to your budget and your needs then you can plan for the future together.

5. Prepare for the Year Ahead

As your small business moves into a new year you need to be prepared for what is to come. It is a crucial time to think about whether there are any major financial investments you need to be prepared to make, such as purchasing new equipment or upgrading existing software to keep up with the competition. Think about getting some credit in place to allow you to fund the necessary changes and also plan to cut costs so that investments do not bog you down.             

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