Beginner's Guide to Email Marketing

Beginner's Guide to Email Marketing


Email Marketing for Beginners

In today’s world, email marketing campaigns has never been more important than they are now. But yet many entrepreneurs don’t know how to do it right. This article will guide you on the basics so that you can build a fantastic email marketing campaign and reap the benefits.

Have Good Manners

First of all, you need to get permission; just as you need someone’s permission to go into their house, you’ll want to get your recipient’s permission to enter their inbox by getting them to agree to subscribe. You cannot start sending out emails without the approval of the inbox owner. Permission may not be necessarily granted that easily, however there are many ways to incentivize people to give you permission to send them a newsletter, product updates and other documents you plan to use as marketing material. For example, you might give a discount, offer a freebie or some other benefit to those who give you their email.

Get Potential Customers Excited

<="" p="">Apart from incentivizing people to sign up with freebies, you need to get potential customers excited. For example, “enter your email for updates” isn’t going to get anyone excited to sign up. Instead, consider offering future benefits to clients, such as updates on exclusive special offers, free white papers or eBooks or other insider promotions!

Get Whitelisted

There is no point in putting a monumental effort into your email marketing campaign if your emails are going to end up in someone’s spam box.  There is only one way around this make sure you get whitelisted. Basically, getting whitelisted ensures that your emails are not recognized as junk, spam or even phishing. The easiest way to get whitelisted is to ask subscribers to reply to your email or to whitelist your email address, so that your valuable email marketing messages do not end up filtered.

Have a Strong Call to Action

Once you have permission and start sending out emails, deliver engaging marketing content that has a strong, concise message that is lucid, easy to read and features an easily identifiable call to action. Make the call to action enticing, center-stage and clearly clickable. This will increase the chances that when a potential customer receives your message they then follow this by giving you business.

Use Automated Email Marketing Tools

As a busy entrepreneur or business owner, you may only think of sending out email marketing campaigns once you have something specific you want to sell. However you need to send out regular content to your subscribers. It is easy to forget, however. The best way of overcoming that hurdle is to use automated email marketing tools

Crunch the Numbers

It is no good sending out email marketing campaigns unless you are going to analyze the data that they can provide you with. Analyze the results of all the email marketing campaigns sent out to see which got the highest response rate and which got the lowest. This sort of data will teach you about your audience so that your future email marketing campaigns can leverage what really worked for you. Likewise, make sure you check on the increase or decrease in subscriptions. If your unsubscription rate is high  then you are doing something seriously wrong. Email analytics are critical, they are tools that you can enable you to play to your strengths and discard weaknesses.

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