Why Your Business Address Matters

Why Your Business Address Matters

Understanding the Importance of Your Business’s Address

In many cities, business addresses in certain areas lend an appearance of professionalism and competence. The right address can serve as a signal that your small business has achieved a commendable level of success, which makes your firm appear more trustworthy in the eyes of customers, colleagues and other important contacts.

Read on to learn more about why having the right address for your business is so important, plus tips on how to affordably secure a prestigious address.

Does my business really need a prestigious address?

If you’ve been using a home address or a P.O. box for business mail, you’re likely wondering if your company’s address matters much at all. It might seem like a small and inconsequential thing, but here are some reasons to reconsider that position:

  • Having a prestigious address in a well-known area lends trust and credibility to your business. 
  • A physical address gives a sense of permanence because customers are less likely to worry that you’ll go out of business.
  • You want your company to show up in Google Maps and other search results. A physical address makes that possible.

The right address can also differentiate your business from others in the same industry. This edge on the competition can be particularly helpful in more cutthroat sectors.

A more affordable way to secure an impressive business address

You might be thinking, “Okay, I understand why my address matters. But how can I possibly afford a lease at a fancy commercial office building?” 

Surprisingly, giving your business a “home” at a prestigious business address isn’t nearly as expensive as you might think. That’s because your business can get a virtual business address through a virtual office provider like Intelligent Office (IO).

Virtual office providers connect entrepreneurs and small businesses to the spaces and services they need to do their best work. These solutions include rentable meeting and conference rooms, private office rentals, receptionist and assistant services, virtual business addresses and a whole lot more. 

Each service is designed to be an affordable, flexible, a la carte solution that doesn’t break the bank. You only pay for what you need, when you need it. 

Do I need to rent office space to get a virtual business address?

This is a common question we get here at IO and it’s one we love answering. That’s because the answer is “Nope! There’s no need to rent office space if all your business needs is an address.”

You can use a virtual address on your business cards, website and anywhere else an address is needed. IO Members also have access to additional mail services, such as:

  • Mail Check for a specific piece of mail.
  • Mail Scan to have all incoming mail directly scanned to you.
  • Mail Consultation so that you always know what’s in your mailbox.
  • Mail Forwarding for those times when you can’t make it to your IO mailbox.
  • Check Deposit on your behalf.

If your business has a mail-related need that isn’t listed here, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. There are so many ways to get the most out of a virtual business address, and the IO team can help you identify the perfect tools for your company.