Why Virtual Assistants are Perfect for Legal Professionals

Why Virtual Assistants are Perfect for Legal Professionals

Law firms and solo legal practicitioners require extraordinary internal support given the sheer amount of documentation and preparation involved in going to trial. The level of organization needed for a highly functioning firm, as well as a solo practice, makes virtual assistants an ideal solution for legal professionals. Here are a few ways a virtual legal assistant can help your firm.

Added Support

Larger law firms are often filled with support staff, including paralegals and legal secretaries. These are trained professionals whose talents are best utlized for law-related tasks. Too often these specialists are not used to their full capacity because they are assigned to administrative or organizational duties.

A virtual assistant provides the support needed to free up the valuable assets who are already on the law firm payroll. From answering phones to transcribing recorded meeting notes, a virtual assistant can take care of all of the responsibilities that keep a law firm operating at its highest level.


Whether you’re a large firm or solo legal practitioner, handling multiple clients in a legal setting can be overwhelming. Managing the day-to-day operations of the firm can cast a confusing net of calls, meetings, and depositions.

A virtual legal assistant is fully capable of scheduling appointments that work for all parties involved. In addition to initial scheduling, virtual assistants can confirm appointments as well as send out reminders to ensure that all parties are prepared. While these administrative tasks might seem straightforward, they are crucial in establishing a relationship between the attorney and client.

Industry Experience

Law firms are often high-stakes environments that require a certain level of professionalism. When you employ a virtual assistant, you can be certain that they are fully qualified to excel in their position.

Our assistants are trained specifically for the businesses that they serve. This is especially significant considering the relationship between client and legal professional, where trust is of the utmost importance. Our Intelligent Assistants are fully aware that any breakdown in communication could result in the loss of a client, and we take pride in preparing them for success. Firm owners and solo practitioners are always encouraged to participate in assistant training.

Cost Savings

The most practical benefit of a virtual legal assistant is the cost savings. Virtual assistant services are capable of providing administrative tasks, gathering new client information, and confirming trial preparation appointments for much less than the cost of a full-time employee. That’s not to mention the costs associated with health care, vacation time, and other full-time perks. You only pay for what you need, when you need it. This is especially valuable as trial approaches and resources become strained.

Virtual assistant services from Intelligent Office are valuable additions to any business team, but especially legal professionals that need quick and effective help. Find an Intelligent Office location in your area today!