Meeting Mixup: 6 Alternative Meeting Spots For Increased Productivity

Meeting Mixup: 6 Alternative Meeting Spots For Increased Productivity

These Unique Meeting Locations Will Keep Everyone Focused

Meetings, the necessary evil so many of us love to hate. That’s because too many meetings are dry, boring, impersonal, and (not to mention) far longer than they need to be. If you want to increase engagement in your meetings, why not switch things up?

From walking meetings to renting a conference room to visiting a lovely museum lobby, here are six unique ideas you can use to switch things up and win back everyone’s focus. As you try new meeting spots, don’t forget to ask your team for feedback, either! If they don’t find walking meetings helpful, that’s information you need to know.

1. A new take on biking to work

Move over, golf. Cycling is taking over at the networking activity of choice for some professionals. While this idea won’t work if you have to take notes, a group bike ride can be a great way to brainstorm and work through tough ideas.

2. Who doesn’t love a caffeine break?

Freelance and remote professionals take meetings from coffee shops all the time, so why can’t you join them? Grab your attendees and head down to a local coffee shop. The buzz of a cafe can be a welcome change from the office.

3. The local library has more than books

Some local libraries have truly nice interior spaces. Many have areas where some chatter won’t be an issue, and others have private meeting spaces you can utilize. If you need to grab a book or trade magazine to research an issue, there are plenty of resources readily available.

4. Rent a conference or meeting room

If you really want to impress the attendees of your meeting, rent a professional meeting space for a few hours, a day, or more. You can even rent conferences rooms if you’ll have a larger group. As a bonus, the company will even set up the meeting space for you. Many providers even offer coffee, tea, and water to attendees as they join.

It’s the most affordable way to present a polished professional image, and you won’t be locked into any long-term commitments.

5. Take a walk

There’s a reason some professionals love to network while doing activities like cycling — moving around can make it easier to think and come up with creative solutions. If you’re not ready to hop on a bike just yet, keep it simple and take a walk. That way, you can stop to take notes when needed.

If you have access to a park for your walking meetings, that’s even better, because you’ll have access to park benches for that aforementioned note taking.

6. Grand lobbies at museums and hotels

Many hotels and museums have stunning lobbies, and these spaces are specifically designed for sitting down to talk with people. Consider gathering your team for a meeting in a nearby hotel’s swanky lobby and see if it has an impact on the overall mood and productivity. You may find that your team feels more inspired when surrounded by impressive interior design details.