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3 Ways Shrewd Businesses Use Mobile

By Garrett Spence   |    October 24, 2017   |    9:22 AM


Gain a Competitive Edge with Mobile Devices

Businesses today are fortunate to be operating in a golden age of technology. Devices such as mobile phones make it easier than ever to reach customers across the globe. Technologies, new apps and new media outlets, such as social media, mean that marketing strategies can be more effective than ever. In order to stay competitive, it is vital that small business owners keep up with mobile trends. Traditional, tried-and-tested marketing methods just don’t cut it anymore. Here’s how to gain a competitive edge with mobile devices.

1. Use Responsive Design and Geolocation

It goes without saying that your website should be mobile friendly. But a crucial mobile marketing tactic is to use responsive design. That means your website automatically adjusts its layout and content depending upon the size of the user’s screen and the type of device it’s being viewed upon. Potential customers should not have to zoom in or out to view your pages.  Additionally, you should use geolocation in your mobile advertising campaigns, adjusting for vital factors like local weather, events or holidays to deliver tailor-made content to potential clients.

2. Use QR Codes

QR codes are all the rage and there is a good reason why. Customers love them. Every mobile savvy business should use them. Wondering how a QR code works? When a customer takes a snapshot of a code using their mobile phone, they can instantly access a plethora of information from a custom-built landing page which a business has created. It tells them all about the product or service they’re considering buying, and may be the deciding factor in choosing one product over another. There are loads of creative ways to use QR codes to convince customers to purchase your products. For example, with QR codes, you can still lure potential customers even after you’ve shut down your storefront for the day. Create a ‘Shop Online Now!’ QR code and put it in your business’s window. One scan and you’ve converted a potential lost lead into an online customer.

3. Special Mobile Services

Before you can begin offering special services to clients via mobile you must obtain their permission. Once this is obtained there are many services that you can offer clients that can give you an edge on your competitors. Here are some of them.

  • Appointment Reminders are a straightforward but very valuable application for text messages. If you’re in the service industry you can send out reminders and request confirmations from customers ensuring that they don’t miss their appointment, which will boost your business.

  • Product notifications are very popular with customers. You can use them to let clients know that products are available.  If you have customers who wanted a particular product that was out of stock, or ordered something custom-made then you can notify them when it comes in.

  • Customers love personalized service and mobile devices can ensure business owners can offer that at the touch of a few buttons. You can use mobile devices to check in after a sale. Send a text message to your customer 24 to 48 hours after a sale to inquire about their customer satisfaction. It’s the ideal way to boost your reputation by pre-empting problems. You can even link the text to a Google or Yelp review page. Customers may then boost your business with a positive review, giving you free PR.

Intelligent Office offers innovative business solutions that make small businesses more run like large enterprises. Contact us to learn more.